As for the many unique couples and situations that are presented in an I-129F to USCIS for approval, you...
No where in the Immigration and Nationality Act, or in decided federal court cases, or government agency rules does...
Coming to America to attend a business conference, visit the Grand Canyon or to experience the Great White Way? ...
The following list is a general reminder on what your foreign-born fiancé or spouse should bring to the visa...
When you have reached the part in the K-1 process where your foreign-born fiancé or spouse (CR-1) is ready...
The FBI responds to over 15,000 romance scam complaints each year accounting for the highest financial losses of all...
“I Know How To Petition For My Foreign-Born Fiance, But How Do I Get My New In-Laws to the...
So you have met the love of your life— ONLINE. You both are single. She is wonderful; she feels...
Among other legal requirements to successfully petition for your foreign-born fiance or spouse*, meeting in person within the previous...
Q. My fiancé has a 19-year-old daughter. If I petition for an F-1 fiancé visa for him, can his...