Getting your fiance/spouse to the United States is what you want. And that is what I do. All day. Every Day.
My delivery of fiance/spouse visa immigration legal services is knowing, responsive, deliberate, creative and yet pragmatic; I must say delightful…I thoroughly enjoy going to work!
I give advice, use strategies, craft compelling petitions and gather supporting documents that are solid in law and realistic in approach; this method has consistently proven to be effective at the United States Customs and Immigration Services, the National Visa Center and at the all important United States consulates and embassies.
In plain English I offer my clients practical and real life guidance. I save all of the impressive “lawyer talk” for the government agencies.
Who you are uniquely differentiates you from the masses.
Practically every fiance/spouse visa immigration lawyer will tell you that they are excellent, experienced and client-focused. I don’t doubt that. And I hope so. I am an excellent, experienced and client-focused K-1, CR-1 fiance/spouse visa immigration lawyer, too! Nothing different here.
The fact that I was successful in college and law school does not differentiate me from other Atlanta, New York or Miami fiance/ spouse visa immigration lawyers. Most practicing lawyers were successful students, too! Nothing different here.
All fiance/spouse visa immigration lawyers had to undergo somewhat similar entrance and exit requirements in order to obtain their degrees and licenses to practice law.
Additionally, we all have to maintain our good standing in the local Bar and in our communities. Many fiance/spouse visa immigration lawyers, including me, willingly do that and so much more. Nothing different here.
Please continue to read about me on and find out what is truly different about me.
I quickly fell for the study and practice of law almost as fast as I fell for my immigrant boyfriend (now husband) years ago when I was a high school student in my native New York (Harlem) City. With hard work, perserverance and a great partnership, I’ve accomplished ridiculously impressive things in my personal life like managing to be married to the same man for over 30 years (I was young), building our first pool, lakefront home in the Tampa Bay area at the age of 22; purchasing a Lake Avenue colonial on 2 acres in back country Greenwich, Connecticut (yes, the Greenwich, Connecticut) when I was 25…impressive I know!
As a former stay-at-home mother, I have had the opportunity to volunteer and give back to my community as a board member of an arts non-profit, speaker at community law events, volunteer at shelters for women and children and a volunteer and fundraiser at my children’s schools.
However, my greatest personal accomplishment is that I am the mother of two wonderfully well-adjusted, smart and talented millennials: Our son, The Children’s School (Atlanta) ’04, The Westminster Schools (Atlanta) ’10; Dartmouth College ’14 and our daughter, The Children’s School ’09, The Westminster Schools ’15; New York University (receipient of a prestigious Dean’s Scholarship) Tisch School of the Arts Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music ’19. #ProudMother!
I am Jamene Christian, a Fiance/Spouse Visa immigration lawyer, mother, 13th generation U.S. citizen by birth and wife to an immigrant by choice. I love my chosen work!