“I engage my Heart, Smarts and Creativity when I handle your fiance spouse visa matter.”
I utilize my Get Out in Front of the Petition”tm/sm Strategy; it’s working!
To convince the consular officer that the K-1 or CR-1 visa should be placed in your fiance/spouse’s passport on the day of the interview, I use my Get Out in Front of the Petition tm/sm strategy.
What is my Get Out in Front of the Petition tm/sm strategy? I repair. I fortify. And I legally plead.
My Get Out in Front of the Petition tm/sm strategy attacks the lurking pink-flag concerns before those concerns morph into red-flag issues in the eyes of the United States Customs and Immigration Services, the National Visa Center and United States Consulates and Embassies. With my strategy, the pink-flag concerns and red-flag issues are neutralized before your I-129f or I-130 petition leave my office or your desk.
Here is my Get Out in Front of the Petition tm/sm strategy at work:
01. After evaluating your case and reviewing your eligibility for the fiance/spouse visa benefit, I repair (addressing length of relationship or limited face-to-face meetings, previous I-129f or I-130 filings with different fiance/spouse, etc.) what I can before I/you file the I-129f or I-130 petition.
02. I fortify your petition with well-written narratives offering legal and practical explanations for issues that I know will cause the government justified concern about the sincerity of your relationship as well as the timing of your engagement or marriage. For example, I submit the right kind of photos, even to the composition, foreground subjects, people and clothing (yes, clothing!). I submit 6-10 solid examples of evidence and explanations depicting the sincerity of your relationship. My strategy throughout the entire process is to provide the government with the proof of your authentic story no matter how implausible it may seem to the government.
03. Finally, if legally required, I ask (legally plead to) the government to please forgive the past mistakes of your fiance/spouse that caused unfortunate immigration consequences*
My Get Out in Front of the Petition tm/sm strategy helps to avoid going into damage control after a “faulty” I-129f or I-130 petition filing. Damage control can cause more time separated from your fiance/spouse, more stress and yes, eventually costing you more money in proving to the United States that your relationship is sincere and void of attempted visa fraud or misrepresentation.
With persistence and perseverance sincere relationships can meet with success.
*Waiver relief is available in certain situations. By seeking a waiver you are asking the government to use their discretion in excusing your fiance’s or spouse’s past immigration errors.”
Next Step…
After a careful review of your immigration goals and your eligibility, I will quote you a price that is fair to both you and me.